Course information
- Instructor: Jessen Havill
- E-mail:
- Office: Dana Engineering 311B
- Office Hours: MWF 2:00-3:00 or any time my door is open or by appt
- Schedule an initial meet and greet
Getting help
- Help sessions: Sun 1:30-3:30, Tue 7:30-9:30, Thu 7:30-9:30 (Dana 325)
About me

A long time ago, I was a CS major at Bucknell, just like you! (I also picked up a double major in Religion.) After graduation, I went to graduate school for CS at The College of William and Mary, where I met and took classes with someone named Felipe Perrone. My research was in the design and analysis of online algorithms. After earning my Ph.D., I taught for many years at a small liberal arts college in Ohio. Now I am thrilled to be back at Bucknell. In my research, I am currently working with a biologist on software to identify remnants of viral DNA in the genomes of disease-carrying mosquitos.

I have four kids — Nick graduated last year from Davidson College and is now teaching mathematics at a private school in Winston-Salem NC, Arrow is a first year mechanical engineering major here at Bucknell, Caroline is in 9th grade at Lewisburg HS, and Lillian is in 7th grade at Lewisburg middle school. My wife Beth teaches special education at the Lewisburg middle school. I also have a dumb but very loyal little dog named Sully (see right).
In my spare time, I like to get out and ride my bike. The image below is from a gravel ride I did in October. This summer I am heading to France to climb some really big hills…